CAC Holdings Corporation

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Dividend Information

Basic Policy for the Distribution of Profits

The Company positions shareholder returns as an important management issue. With this in mind, to further clarify its stance on shareholder returns for the second year of the current medium-term management plan period (from fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 to fiscal year ending December 31, 2025) and beyond, it will determine dividend amounts according to the basic policy of aiming to achieve a dividend on equity ratio (DOE)* at the 5% level while taking into account the business results and economic conditions for each period.

*Dividend on equity ratio (DOE) = Total dividends / ((Beginning equity + Ending equity) / 2)

The Company pays dividends twice a year: interim dividends and year-end dividends. The decision on whether to pay dividends lies with the Board of Directors in regard to interim dividends, and the General Shareholders Meeting in regard to year-end dividends.

Dividend Trends

  Interim Dividends per Share (JPY)
Year-end Dividends per Share (JPY) Full Year Dividens
per Share (JPY)
FY ended December 2024 40 40(Forecast) 80(Forecast)
FY ended December 2023 40 40 80
FY ended December 2022 30 30 60
FY ended December 2021 30 30 60
FY ended December 2020 30 30 60

Dividend Graph
