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Notice Regarding Organizational Restructuring, Executive Appointments, and Key Personnel Changes


CAC Holdings Corporation hereby announces the following organizational restructuring, executive appointments, and key personnel changes.

1. Organizational Restructuring (Effective April 1, 2025)

① To enhance CSR activities across the group, the CSR promotion function will be added to the general affairs function within the Corporate Department and separated as an independent unit. At the same time, it will be integrated with the "Secretary Group" under the Corporate Department, forming the "General Affairs & Secretary Group" as a new unit.
② To strengthen dialogue with shareholders and investors and enhance corporate value, the IR function will be separated from the Financial Strategy Department, and a new "IR Group" will be established under it.

2. Executive Appointments (Effective April 1, 2025)




 Tatsuo Mikoda

 Executive Officer, Senior Vice   President, Corporate Div. 
 and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

 Executive Officer, Deputy General   Manager, Corporate Div.
 and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)


3. Key Personnel Changes (Effective April 1, 2025)




 Sachiko Asakawa

 Strategy Manager, Global Strategy   Div.

 Chief Manager,Group Strategy,   Corporate Planning Dept.

 Iori Sakai

 Chief Manager, General Affairs &   Secretary Group

 Chief Manager, Corporate   Communications Group, Corporate   Planning Dept.

 Erika Yasuda

 Chief Manager, Corporate   Communications Group, Corporate   Planning Dept.


 Tomomi Sobue

 Chief Manager, IR Group,
 Financial Strategy Dept.


