CAC Holdings Corporation

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Environmentally Friendly Corporate Activities

The CAC Group recognizes initiatives to address global environmental issues as shared global issues.
Based on this understanding, we aim to ensure that our corporate activities are environmentally friendly, such as by engaging in environmentally friendly investment and procurement, and continuing efforts to save energy and resources in our business activities. At our offices, which are the main bases for our business activities, we are engaged in efforts such as working to implement environmentally friendly procurement, reduce electricity consumption, and shift to paperless operations.

Environmentally Friendly Investment and Procurement

In November 2022, we switched to green electricity—which has a lower impact on the global environment—for the electricity used at our head office building. By using electricity derived from renewable energy sources, we aim to conduct corporate activities that are more environmentally friendly by not depleting petroleum-derived resources and emitting almost no CO2 or harmful gases during power generation or heat use.

Resource and Energy Conservation in Business Activities

In our business activities in our office, we engage in initiatives including the reduction of power consumption through the improvement of the energy efficiency of the office building and other measures, the implementation of paperless operations through the digitalization of internal documents, the introduction of an electronic contract system, the recycling of the paper used in the office, and other measures.

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* All figures are aggregated for the three main CAC Group companies (CAC Holdings, CAC Corporation, and ARK Systems). Power consumption is the amount of electricity used by our three main Group companies at our Hakozaki head office building.